Friday, 3 June 2022


Today  ( 30-05-2022 ) by 12 noon Our Circle President Com M Munuswamy along with Circle Secretary Com S. Thangaraj , Com G Natarajan our All India VP, Com S.Subramani our Asst Circle  Treasurer and Com S Vaidhiyanathan Secretary Villivakkam branch met  Deputy CCA and discussed about few local issues along with Migration to SAMPANN  platform. She  informed us that they have planned to issue pensioners ID card. There will be a Mela and the details will be intimated later.

We had a detailed discussion with Jt. CCA who is incharge of migration process. The meeting was very cordial and fruitful.

They have planned to complete the process of migration  by July 2022 for the pensioners pension payments made through banks other than PNB and SBI. For PNB and SBI bank pensioners the migration is planned to complete by Dec 2022.

With available datas and the datas received from Banks the process of migration as already started.

As intimated earlier those who can send the details by mail they can send.

Others can send details ( Proforma enclosed) through Courier or by Post or hand over in person. It is important to mention on the top of the envelope as  KYP Details.

They have kept a separate Box as      “ K Y P   Details “

in CCA office Ethiraj Salai.

S Thangaraj

Circle Secretary



1.      Name.   

2       PPO No.

3       Aadhaar no.

4.      PAN no

5.      Mobile no

6.      Name of the family pensioners and Aadhaar no

7.      Mail id.


CCA Office e-mail ID =

Postal Address

The Joint Controller Of Communication Accounts and Pension,

                     TNT Complex

                     Tamilnadu  Circle,

                      60- Ethiraj Salai ( First Floor )


                      CHENNAI – 60 00 08.

At the right top of the cover please write   KYP Details

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