Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Velachery branch monthly meeting was held  on the 1st Monday of the month at Velachery. The no.of participants are more than 85.  Com. M.Munusamy, Circle President, was the Guest Speaker. Every one was keen to know more about migrating to CGHS and to know the procedure for CGHS enrolment, and to know about the plight of our recently retired members. The Speaker threw more light on all these issues and informed that our Leaders will be meeting CCA,TN Circle tomorrow viz., 4-2-2020 (Tuesday) to ensure our VRS 2019 retirees to get February month's pension by 28-2-2020 without fail and to press for  early settlement of Pensionery  benefits. While remitting the CGHS subscription amount according to each individual, an additional amount of Rs.30/- is to be paid towards Administrative Charges. We intend to meet the CGHS In charge to issue the CGHS cards to the beneficiaries as quickly as possible. All the members are once again requested to contact their friends who retired in January 2020 to appraise the importance of enrolment in our AIBSNLPWA and motivate them to bring to our fold. Birthday celebration was held for Members who were born in February. A set of forms in connection with CGHS has been distributed to the members who required these.

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