Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Today (04.02.2020)  on behalf of our Circle Association, Com.G.Natarajan, CHQ VP, Com. M. Munuswamy,  Circle President, Com. S. Thangaraj, Circle Secretary & S. Krishnamurthy, ACS met Shri. Chittaranjan Pradhan, CCA TN & handed over a memorandum requesting him for drawl of Pension in respect of all 2671 BSNL VRS 2019 retirees payable on 29.02.2020. A copy of our memorandum posted above which is self explanatory. He patiently heard us & informed that he is taking all possible steps for grant of Pension to these Pensioners in time & further informed that the entire 4th floor of RK Nagar building is now equipped with more than 25 systems with adequate furniture & additional staff are also being identified for feeding & drawl of Pension through SAMPANN. As on date only 96 cases have been received from Chennai Telephones as against 2671 & totally only 417 cases received throughout Tamilnadu as against 8000 plus cases. He further said that is also pursuing final payment of GPF for which hardly 129 cases are received from BSNL. CCA office sent mail to CGM's , GM/HR of each SSA to speed up sending of Service Books with authdication, Form 7 & individual Pension papers to his office & every day not only him also Pr.CCA is monitoring each case by case basis, so that Payment of Pension for these retirees are paid with on due date. Regarding Payment of Adhoc Pension in lieu of regular Pension, he opined that only DOT Secretary has to issue instructions & if received the same will be complied with. He emphasized the need of  BSNL authorities quicken the process of sending all papers with authentication to his office immediately. He concluded that his entire office is dedicated to draw the pension in time to all the BSNL VRS 2019 Pensioners. On our view CCA TN Sri. Chittaranjan Pradhan is always for the welfare of Pensioners & we thank whole heartedly for sparring his valuable time to our Memorandum for about an hour.
S. Thangaraj.
Circle Secretary

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