To migrate from BSNL MRS system to CGHS system, the following procedures are to be followed.
There are three different forms to be produced as under.
1. MRS surrender application form. This form duly filled in has to be submitted along with MRS Card in original in BSNL Welfare section where Medical Reimbursement is availed.
2. For Mapping of pay scales from IDA to CDA. This form duly filled in has to be submitted in CCA Office, Ethiraj Salai along with 78.2% IDA merger pension revision order xerox. or Xerox copy of PPO.
3. Application for CGHS Card. This has to be submitted in CGHS Office, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar.( at a distance of Just 100 meters from Besant Nagar Bus Stand ). BSNL MRS Surrender certificate, Mapping of scales form have to be attached along with. Also Adhaar xerox copy, two passport size photos of self, spouse and dependents, address proof copy, PPO copy etc. Please read Form 3 attached under carefully regarding the necessary attachments to be submitted.

There are three different forms to be produced as under.
1. MRS surrender application form. This form duly filled in has to be submitted along with MRS Card in original in BSNL Welfare section where Medical Reimbursement is availed.
2. For Mapping of pay scales from IDA to CDA. This form duly filled in has to be submitted in CCA Office, Ethiraj Salai along with 78.2% IDA merger pension revision order xerox. or Xerox copy of PPO.
3. Application for CGHS Card. This has to be submitted in CGHS Office, Rajaji Bhawan, Besant Nagar.( at a distance of Just 100 meters from Besant Nagar Bus Stand ). BSNL MRS Surrender certificate, Mapping of scales form have to be attached along with. Also Adhaar xerox copy, two passport size photos of self, spouse and dependents, address proof copy, PPO copy etc. Please read Form 3 attached under carefully regarding the necessary attachments to be submitted.

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