Sunday, 4 August 2019

On  01.08.2019, Myself along with our CHQ VP Com. G. Natarajan, Our GM (Retd) Sri. G. Selvam & Sri. S. Krishnamurthy, ACS met CCA TN Sri. Chittaranjan Prathan, in his office at RK Nagar by 11.00 AM & the meeting lasted for an hour.

 During the Discussion, we handed over a letter seeking his intervention for providing non receipt of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) by the BSNL Pensioners along with the Pension for those pensioners who opt for CGHS from BSNL MRS. We have also informed that per DOT OM No. 4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part (1) dated 01.07.2019, while issuing mapping of Pay & Scales from IDA to CDA by CCA office, this non – receipt of FMA Certification may be incorporated.

CCA informed that as the BSNL Pensioners Pension do not carry the component of FMA, a letter will be issued to CGHS authorities clarifying the position, so that the issue stand redressed.  He also assured to endorse a copy to us.

Further, CCA TN said that in the Adalat Scheduled on 23.08.2019, he prefers to meet and interact with SAMPANN Pensioners and to get feedback from them and asked us to kindly inform such of those pensioners who draw Pension after introduction of SAMPANN to be available in the Adalat on 23.08.2019, for which we readily agreed.  He further added that he is making arrangement to issue messages to these pensioners.

 Accordingly it is requested that the Pensioners who receive Pension after introduction of SAMPANN, to make it convenient to be present by 2.00 PM on 23.08.2019 at Hall of Inspiration, Anna Road Telephone Exchange for interaction with CCA & other officers. They may also receive message from CCA office to their registered mobile number.

With Fraternal Greetings,

S. Thangaraj
Circle Secretary

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