Sunday, 23 June 2019

Villiwakkam Branch Executive Meeting was held on Saturday  (22-06-19) at 1630 hours in Kanaga Durga Hr.Sy.School , Villiwakkam under the president ship of Br. Presidnt Com.Gangadharan . Br.Secretary Com.Vaidhyanathan welcomed all Com.V.Rathna AGS, Com.M.Kannappan, Circle Treasurer, Com. Jeevanandam, Com.Ashok kumar, Com. Gunasundari Ranganathan all Circle Office Bearers and almost all executive members of the branch attended. 
Matters related with the ensuing Circle Executive meeting to be held on 28th of this month was discussed. The secretary informed that 80 BSNL employees are retiring this month and he conveyed best wishes for their happy and healthy retired life. He extended warm welcome to all to come and join in our association.  
Com.Rathna spoke about the recently held adalath meeting discussions, One Increment postponement, Take over of ALTTC by the DOT etc. 
Com. Kannappan expressed his desire that the birthdays, marriage days of our members which come in the month may be celebrated in the respective month's meeting. Those members may be informed to come with their family. Being the biggest branch of ChTD, the attendees for the meetings are very meager. So post cards may be sent to individuals soliciting their presence for every meeting. The discussions were healthy and useful. The executive meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks.
       Long Live Pensioners Unity !,  Long Live AIBSNLPWA !!

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