Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Penioners Patrika is our AIBSNLPWA's official magazine which is bi-monthly (Once in Two months ) It is being printed in English with all latest happenings, latest rules and other important matters with Pictures wherever needed. Normally it contains 24 pages with art paper as its cover pages. 
Hither to the subscription rate is fixed as 
Rs 500/- for Life Subscription,
Rs 50/-   for Annual Subscription.
But due to paper cost, printing cost, postage, cartage etc have gone very very up. To meet both the ends has become impossible.
So it has been decided to increase the subscription rates from 
01-01-2019 as 
Rs 1000/-  for Life Subscription,
Rs 100/- for Annual Subscription. 
So our members who wish to buy, read and get benefited are informed to pay subscription with in 31st December 2018 ( ie only  12 days more.)
They can send the amount preferably Life Subscription amount of Rs 500/- directly to Com.T.S. Vittoban our CHQ Treasurer by crossed cheque/DD favouring AIBSNLPWA to his address
CHENNAI 94    60 00 94
CELL: 94449 23732.
OR The amount can be credited to our CHQ account thro RTGS NEFT to
State Bank Of India,
Branch Name: Annanagar West Extn
IFSC :   SBIN0070530
Account no 67100927818 
Account Holder  AIBSNLPWA
The above Informations are given by Com.T.S.Vittoban, 
CHQ Treasurer. While sending the amount Mention  your residential address in English with PIN Code in order to get your copies periodically by post.
For further details please contact your Secretary.

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