Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Com. PSR writes 
The AUAB is holding protest demonstrations today. One of the demands placed by AUAB is Pension Revision. In its letter the AUAB has pointed out that last time, after implementation of Wage Revision of serving staff in BSNL, there was undue delay in pension revision. It should not happen this time. Hence AUAB demands immediate pension revision for BSNL absorbees. AUAB did not demand CPC fitment benefit. Immediate pension revision means; there should not be much delay after wage revision. So, I feel that the pension revision is indirectly linked with pay revision of serving staff.
At the same time, the BSNLEU CEC meeting of BSNLEU held at Ghaziabad on 22-23 October 2018 adopted a clear resolution on Pension revision.The resolution says:
“As regards the pension revision of the absorbed BSNL retirees, the DoT has always maintained that it is linked with the wage revision of BSNL employees, which is totally unacceptable. At par with the pension revision given to the other pensioners covered under CCS Pension Rule 1972, the absorbed BSNL pensioners should also be given pension revision immediately and without waiting for the wage revision of the serving employees to get completed…..”

It is a clear and correct stand. I welcome the stand taken by BSNLEU. I hope AUAB will also come out with such a clear unambiguous demand on pension revision. Pension revision and pay revision are two different issues to be decided by two authorities. Do not link the both. Grant the pension revision to BSNL retirees immediately at par with other central service pensioners. Already two years are over. Do not wait further”.

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