Tuesday, 30 May 2023

  Pension Revision

Meeting with Member (S) jointly with like minded associations

Our Organising Secretary has sent the following report.

V Vara Prasad GS 

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     As per programme to meet Sh U S Pandey, Member (Services), myself and two other members of our Association reached Sanchar Bhawan New Delhi in time. In the Reception Office Com Prahlad Rai G S of AIRBSNLEWA met and told me "should we go together or you want to go alone. "Upon this I told him that as we are like minded and our approach is the same then no harm in meeting the M (S) together. So we all went and met the Member (Services) and the meeting lasted for 30 minutes from 1310 to 1340 hours.

          I informed that we met MOC on 27/5/23 for expediting the pension revision case and Hon'ble Minister told that he will meet Secretary DOT shortly and will see that the case is approved with fitment formula very soon

 M(S) replied that once the process at higher level is completed he will start the process of preparing Cabinet Note and other formalities without delay. Sh A K Sahu CGMT and OSD was assisting M(S) who is likely to take over as M (S) when Sh U S Pandey retires within 2-3 months. M(S) categorically said that he will not delay the case once it comes to him.

      We told that we have full justification for revision of BSNL/MTNL pensioner's pension revision  as per 7th CPC which we have already submitted to the DOT long back. M(S) told that if you have any thing new you can send the same to me which I will place for negotiation along with other views. Points raised like,"you are already getting more pension, 3rd PRC /7th CPC etc. were  countered properly by us. We emphasised that we want permanent solution of our pension revision which is possible and fully justified as per 7th CPC.

      Following participated in today's meeting:.

1. J S Dahiya O/Secy AIBSNLPWA

2.Zile Singh of AIBSNLPWA

3.N N Sharma of AIBSNLPWA

4.Kishan Singh, President of AIRBSNLEWA

5 Prahlad Rai GS of AIRBSNEWA


7. A K Kaushik G S RTOWA

8.A.K Kapoor of RTOWA

       Meeting ended in a cordial atmosphere. 

Photos were,however,not taken.

    When we came out team of SNPWA including G L Jogi G S, R K Mudgal and D C Sharma was waiting for their turn for meeting the Member (Services)

        J S Dahiya

Sunday, 28 May 2023


Breaking News
Since the file is held up with Telecom Secretary for more than a month , we continuously tried to meet MoC through our own source .

Com N K Gandigwad of Hubli helped as before to meet Parlimentary Affairs Minister Shri Pralhad Joshiji .

We got a sudden message from PA to Shri Pralhad Joshiji to come to Delhi immediately . I was not in a position to go as also our President Com DG.

Then I requested our VP Com Gangadhara Rao . Though he was busy with some domestic affair, he agreed to go to Delhi at short notice.

As directed by Joshiji, Com Gangadhara Rao met Hon MoC Shri Aswini Vaishnawji today (27/5/2023) and projected our demand . MoC heard patiently and appreciated our concern and finally assured that he would discuss the matter with Telecom Secretary very shortly and resolve . Our Org.Secy. Com J S Dahiya was with Gangadhara Rao during the meeting Dy.GS Com Anupam Kaul was out of Delhi and hence couldn't accompany . Com Gangadhara Rao rushing back to Bengaluru after finishing the task .

Inspite of Niti Ayog meeting today and new parliament opening tomorrow , we could meet both the ministers which is normally impossible .

Let us wait for the outcome and hope for the best . We express our sincere thanks to Shri Pralhad Joshiji , Gandigwad , GangadharaRao & Dahiya
V Vara Prasad, GS

Monday, 22 May 2023

Status of Pension Revision case filed by AIBSNLPWA 

 The following message is given by our lawyer:- 


As you are aware, the matter was listed as part-heard before a bench comprising of Mr.Tarun Shridhar (Administrative Member) and Ms.Pratima Gupta (Judicial Member).

When the matter was called out, we appeared on your behalf led by Mr.Sanjoy Ghose, Ld. Sr. Counsel who pointed out that the submissions made on behalf of the Applicants have been recorded in the last order and the Respondents had sought time to take instructions.

The counsel appearing for the Respondent DoT however sought further time on the ground that he had been recently engaged.

We opposed the request made by the Counsel for DoT on the ground that the matter was  part-heard on 29th March and that DoT should have sought instructions by now.

The bench told the counsel for DoT that the issues already stand crystallized vide order passed on 29th March and that the Respondents need to respond to the same.

The bench further granted the Counsel for Respondent DoT 3 days time to seek instructions and adjourned the matter to 25.05.2023 i.e. Thursday.


V Vara Prasad / GS 

Friday, 19 May 2023


Our Pension Revision case scheduled for today in PB CAT  New Delhi could not be taken up as Bench  did not sit. 

The  same is listed for  Monday ie. on 22-5-2023 at sl no  28. 

V Vara Prasad / GS


Tuesday, 16 May 2023


Our Dy.GS Com Anupam Kaul reports that he met Dir Estb DOT today  to know the progress in pension Revision case.

Director (Estt) informed that 

1) The file is still with the secy DOT.

2) The discussions between Secy DOT and the Minister have not been held till date due to preoccupation of the Minister .

3) Minister can call the secy DOT any time. 

4) The fitment formula can be known only after they meet. 

5) Estt section is preparing a draft Cabniet note as the file is expected to be cleared by DOE without any delay as DOE has also been kept in loop. 

6) In case nothing is heard from the office of MOC by the end of this month, the office of secy Telecom will remind the ministers office.

Let us keep patience.

V Vara Prasad .



Monday, 15 May 2023

Thursday, 11 May 2023


Local Advisory Committee meeting of CGHS Chennai will be held on 13-05-2023 Second Saturday at respective CGHS Wellness Centres. LAC members names and contact numbers are given below. Our members can meet or contact them over phone and convey the problems if any.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023



Friday, 5 May 2023


Pensionrrs' Patrika May-June is posted here in Soft Copy. To view the soft copy, click the link given below.

Pension Revision case in High Court of Delhi  It was listed in the supplementary under item 28, 29 & 30. The Bench rose early for lu...