Saturday, 1 April 2023


From Bhopal , we came to Delhi to meet the concerned authorities to pursue our pension revision demand and other pending issues.

Meeting with DDG (Est) : General Secretary Com V Vara Prasad and Vice-President Com P Gangadhara Rao met Smt Roshni Sohni DDG (Estt) DOT on 28-03-2023 and had a detailed discussion on pension revision issue.

Meeting with Member (Services) : Com V Vara Prasad GS, Com P Gangadhara Rao Vice-President, Com Anupam Kaul Dy GS met Member (Services) on 29-03-2023. When sought the appointment with Secretary Telecom, we were directed to meet the Member (Services). 

We requested him for early settlement of our pension revision of BSNL/MTNL pensioners as per 7th CPC which would give a permanent solution. He mentioned that Final note would be ready early next month for the decision of Hon’ble MOC to forward to concerned departments before a cabinet note is submitted. We insisted for a clause/provision for future revision to be made which Member(services) agreed to examine.

We have also discussed the following issues :

·         1.Reduction of LPD in the case of Telecom Mechanics.

·         2.Implementation of CAT judgement of Madras CAT on Extra increment

·         3.Regularisation of officiating pay to be taken into account case of Sri Balasubrahmanyam etc.

We have submitted the letters on the above issues and Member (Services) assured that all these cases will be examined and suitable action will be taken.

Meeting with Director (Est) : We met Director (Est) Shri Raj Kumar and informed him that all the above mentioned cases are discussed with Member (Services) and requested him to process all the cases as these are pending for a long time. He promised to look into these issues.

Even though all the officers have assured us that our demand gets due examination , we are sceptical about the current status.

We understood that the officers who have to make a proposal for consideration by the top officers and Hon MoC are totally prejudiced. There is no change in their mindset. We witnessed the same when they convinced the Hon’ble MOC about zero percent fitment by presenting a selective power point presentation.

Even now, they are projecting that even without pension revision, BSNL/MTNL pensioners are getting nearly 140% more than C.G. pensioners who got 7th CPC benefit. We had to buttress this argument with certain facts. They have ignored the fact that before absorption, Executives were assured of a minimum monthly benefit of Rs.2500/- and Non-executives with a minimum monthly benefit of Rs.1500/- over & above CDA pay.

We understood that DoT may propose pension revision with 5 or 10% and try to get the approval of the top in the near future.

We are not very much particular about the quantum but we are particular about two aspects:

·         1)It should ensure solution for periodical pension revision every ten years.But we have an apprehension whether it can be ensured if 5 or 10% is approved.

·         2)There should not be any pension anomaly between pre & post-2017 retirees because pay revision is a mirage.

We have ensured that our concern about the justification of our demand are conveyed to the Secretary Telecom and we are hopeful that our demand will be considered with an open mind, and without prejudice. We shall wait and watch the developments. Next two/three months are crucial. Let us try our best till the end.

Pension Revision case in High Court of Delhi  It was listed in the supplementary under item 28, 29 & 30. The Bench rose early for lu...