A List of 242
Pensioners/Family pensioners whose Life Certificates has expired on 31-07-2022
has been displayed by CCA office on 02-08-2022. If they do not submit LC/DLC in
time, their pension would be stopped. Please click the Link and see.
Circle President : M.Munusamy, 94449 09890, Circle Secretary : S.Thangaraj 94442 99596, Circle Treasurer : M.Kannappan 94446 48494 e-mail: chennaitelephonescircle@gmail.com Web Master : N.Mohan 80560 66995
Pension Revision case in High Court of Delhi It was listed in the supplementary under item 28, 29 & 30. The Bench rose early for lu...
Dear Sir : Out of these 242 pensioners whose LC has lapsed, kindly try to contact a small sample of pensioner (say, 5) and ask them whether they have actually forgot to submit their LC or if already submitted but not accepted by CCA as a valid LC. Then contact CCA office and try to find out where it went wrong. Then inform through this web site or through WhatsApp Groups the REAL reason for rejection of LC. It will help ALL other pensioners also by knowing what to avoid in submitting LC and the CORRECT way to submit a LC.