Wednesday, 25 August 2021


Today , 25/08/2021 at about 1130 AM , our Circle President 
Com.M Munuswamy along with Circle Secretary Com. S. Thangaraj and
 Com. P Gangadharan president of  Villiwakkam  Branch  met Chief General Manager of Chennai TD to discuss about BB discount and payment of pending Medical bills from 01/04/2019.
The response was  very good.
With respect to BB discount, since it involves Financial implication they want individual representation. After a detailed discussion we have agreed to give individual letter  along with copy of PPO book 1st and 2nd pages  or Copy of BSNL absorption letter to confirm  that we are retired  from BSNL.
The Letter can be addressed to
                        DGM ., OP ,
                        78 Purasavakkam High Road,
                        Chennai 10
                         600 010.
and copy can be given to our Association, to pursue. We have made a request to our CGM to stop disconnection of Telephone till the issue is resolved and he has agreed to our request.
Regarding payment of medical bills, He said that he was  helpless as the funds are being alloted for specific purpose and specific persons by corporate itself.  He wanted our members to migrate to CGHS facility.
At present BSNL is allowing to take Fibre Connectivity for BB in place of Copper with same 60% discount even without changing the  “Telephone Number.”
With fraternal greetings,
Circle Secretary,
Chennai Telephone District Circle.

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