Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Monthly Meeting of Velachery Branch on first Monday of every month, was held at the usual venue in the evening with 110 attendees, out of this 8 members are recently retired persons on VRS - 2019.
Com. Gunasundari Ranganathan, OS/Circle Union spoke about World Women's Day in detail and stressed the development of women empowerment. In order to commemorate World Women's Day, a lady auto driver of Velachery area by name Smt.KAVITHA has been honoured on behalf of members of Velachery Branch. The lady was highly elated to be amidst of our members.
Then Com. Rathna, AGS elaborated on the issue of Pension Revision. Branch Secretary advocated not to resort to filing a case in this issue as it may take indefinite time and restrain to avail other channels. January 2020 salary may be paid by 9-3-2020 to VRS retirees. Circle conference will be held on  1st & 2nd of May 2020. Before that, biannual conference of Velachery Branch scheduled to be held on 6th April 2020. Birthday Celebration was held for March-born members with much fun and frolic.

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Pension Revision case in High Court of Delhi  It was listed in the supplementary under item 28, 29 & 30. The Bench rose early for lu...