Listed today 27.02.2020 as
item number 60. Before the commencement of the Proceedings of the Tribunal the
case stands adjourned to 15.06.2020. After hearing all the cases of today, our
council mentioned our case and sought permission to file Rejoinder to common
Addl counter filed by Respondents 2 to 4. The court allowed our prayer and as
directed by the Court filed rejoinder. The case as of now stands adjourned to
S. Krishnamurthy, S. Bakthavatsalu & S.T. Nagoor Meeran
witnessed today's court proceedings. In the meantime, lot more things to be
discussed within us and to be clarified for which our Co-ordinator may post
meeting schedule & request all to be present with out seeking excuses or
permission to defer the meeting on any grounds. Each one of us do have family
commitment & absent for the proposed meeting be avoided.
As some important
matter on our case after filing of Addl counter by BSNL is to be discussed,
debated & a conclusion to be arrived. So, please don't skip the meeting whatever
be the reason. Communication for the meeting shall be sent by the coordinator.
With respect and Regards
Krishnamurthy S
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