Sunday, 16 February 2020

Chromepet Branch meeting of AIBSNLPWA held on 15.02.2020 at Chromepet Telephone exchange by 4.00 PM.
Shri. S. Kannan Branch President presided over the meeting. One minute silence was observed to the members / family members demised during the period. Sri. R. Marimuthu read the activity report for the period which meeting of our Circle Leaders with CCA TN Sri. Chittaranjan Pradhan on 04.02.2020 for payment of Pension of VRS 2019 retirees on 29th February 2020 itself. 
Little over about 240 members attended the meeting which includes 99 new life members (44 fully paid life members & 55 submitted their membership application). Shri. G. Selvam,  GM (retd), our Hony President welcomed all the new members with a shawl.
Arun Excello sponsored our Meeting with SKC & explained about their Mahabalipuram ECR OMR Projects which is designed exclusively for Senior Citizens & briefed through power point. Shri. V. Sunder, Federation Treasurer, Shri. M. Munuswamy,  Cicle President,  Shri. S. Thangaraj,  Circle Secretary, Sri. M. Kannappan,  Circle Treasurer, Sri. M. Krishnakumar, Branch Vice president spoke. They explained about necessity and importance of migrating to CGHS, the activities of our Association towards the welfare of the Pensioners, our just legitimate demands & status as of now and insisted for enrolling new members. The meeting concluded by 6.30 PM with vote of Thanks by Shri. C. Vallinayagam, ACS. Due to power failure,  we could not complete the agenda while includes identification & nomination of Special Invitees to our Chromepet Branch from among VRS 2019 retirees, which we will carry out in the next meet due on  18.04.2020.

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