Thursday, 12 December 2019

On 9-12-2019, a delegation consisting of Com. DG, Com. Vittoban, Com. Changappa and seven comrades of Hubli had a discussion with MoC Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad on our demand for pension revision. It was arranged by Shri Pralhad Joshi, minister for parliamentary affairs in his chamber itself in Parliament House.
Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad seems to be influenced/misinformed by the DoT officers who are totally negative to pensioners. Minister is too much worried about BSNL. He asks us to wait till BSNL earns some profit!! We told him that there is no link between our pension and BSNL profit. But he is not prepared to listen further. He is a minister. He is a lawyer. He does not reject our demand. Nor he concedes it also.
In our last CWC meeting at Kanyakumari in February 2019 we discussed the matter and decided to resort to legal remedy if all other attempts to get a decision from government fail. It is the last resort. We are aware of the pitfalls of court case. Case is not for asking revision order. Case can be against injustice. DOP&PW has already issued orders for pension revision of all those who are covered by CCS Pension Rule 1972. We are denied the benefits of that order even though we are also covered by the said rule. It is discrimination, naked injustice. There is cause of action for the Court to intervene.
Court Case means delay. We have to explore all other possibilities again and again. We should take legal opinion from two or more lawyers. We shall meet advocates at different stations and then finally take a decision at Gorakhpur CWC in March 2020. We shall continue our efforts. We will fight for justice. When Govt does not do justice, judiciary is the only shelter for common man.
Courtesy: CHQ Web

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