Wednesday, 16 October 2019

On (14-10-2019) Velacheery Branch Meeting was held. Branch Vice President Com.R Sathiavel Presided over the Meeting . Com G.Natarajan VP/CHQ, Circle ACS Com. S.Krishnamurthy, Anna Nagar Branch Secretary Com.V.N. Sampath Kumar  attended the Meeting. Nearly 100 Members  attended. Branch Secretary Com G.Ananthan welcomed the gathering and explained the important activities of the association that took place between last meeting and the Present. Birthday celebration event was conducted by Com.R. Vadivambal . Com. S.Krishnamurthy explained the  need of CGHS. He also explained action taken by the Circle  for removing some hurdles for ward entitlement in CGHS office. One book titled  “MUDHUMAI Oru Varam “  written by Mrs Parimalam Munuswamy and Mr.M.Munuswamy was released in the meeting.
 In today's meeting the following points were discussed at length:
1. DA enhancement wef 1-10-2019,
2. Importance of opting CGHS and the modalities
3. Drawal of pension arrears to Pensioners whose One Advance Increment is still pending.
4. Birthday celebration was held for 21 members
5. The meeting was graced by  Shri GN and Shri Krishnamurthy and other members from various branches.
A fitting Vote of Thanks was proposed by Com.PS.
Next month's meeting will be held as usual on 1st Monday, viz., 4-11-2019 at this venue @ Velacherry
 The book ' Mudhumai oru Varam' written by our friend Muinuswamy and his wife Mrs Parimala Munusamy  was released today at our Velacherry branch meeting in a grand manner. The book is highly valuable one. Highly informative, every one should read and thoroughly practice in day to day life, not only for elders but also for younger generations to put them in the right path. This compendium is highly useful for everyone as they gathered various information from various sources, and can be gifted to our friends and relatives during special occasions.

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