Dear Comrades,
People in different parts of our country face the nature’s fury. There were
devastating natural disasters in the past. They were confined to a state or
some areas. This time it is unusual and unprecedented; all pervading and
widespread. Heavy rain made many a rivers like Brahmaputra, Mahanadi, Godavari,
Narmada, Krishna, Tungabhadra, Tapti, Pampa etc ferocious. It caused floods,
landslides and total destruction in Assam, Andhra, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat,
Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, MP, Maharastra, Orissa, Tamilnadu, Telangana etc.
It has affected cities and villages alike. Lakhs of people have to flee their
places leaving behind everything except carrying their lives. Everything they
earned through hard labour during the last 30 or 40 years is lost in 30 or 40
minutes/seconds. Many of them can never recapture the loss. Some settlements
have disappeared totally in landslides. Dead bodies are still under the mud
even after 10 days. Some are beyond recovery.
BSNL also lost a lot. The landlines and towers erected through 30/40 years
are destroyed instantly. Private companies disappeared from the scene, as
usual. Again, our men are in the field reconstructing the network. We witness
heroes of National Disaster Management teams and large number of youngsters
engaged in rescue operations. Caste, creed, region, religion – nothing stand in
their way of service. It is India.
It is not the time to probe into the cause and accuse anybody. It is time
to help the victims. AIBSNLPWA organized relief in the past. But, this time, we
cannot assess the level of calamity or casualty or the loss. We cannot extend
the help to any particular State as people of many states are affected. We
cannot hold meetings of CWC or Secretariat immediately. Therefore, in
consultation over phone with our CHQ President and some other CHQ
office-bearers, it is decided to collect Relief Fund immediately from all
Circle and District Units and make over the amount to the Prime Minister’s
Distress Relief Fund (PMDRF).
It has to be done immediately, on war-footing urgency. I, on behalf of our
CHQ, call upon all our Circle/District Secretaries to transfer considerable
amounts from their funds to CHQ account for the purpose. It should be done
immediately, before 30th September 2019, latest. CHQ shall make
over the entire fund so received to the PMDRF in a gathering.
Note: After
transferring the amount please inform CHQ Treasurer through
With greetings,
P GANGADHARA RAO, General Secretary
அனைத்து கிளை செயலாளர்களுக்கும் ஒரு
நாட்டில் பல்வேறு மாநிலங்களில் வரலாறு காணாத
வெள்ள பெருக்கினால் பெரும் பாதிப்பு ஏற்பட்டு உள்ளது. எப்போதுமே நிவாரணம்
கொடுப்பதில் நமது சங்கம் முன்னணியில் இருந்தித்திருக்கிறது என்பது அனைவரும்
அறிந்ததே. நமது பொதுச்செயலாளர் தோழர் கங்காதரராவ் உடனடி நிவாரணம் வழங்க கோரிக்கை
விடுத்துள்ளார். மத்திய சங்க வெப்சைட் பார்க்க வும். மத்திய சங்க கணக்கிற்க்கு
நிதி யை செப்டம்பர் 30ம் தேதிக்குள் அனுப்பி வைக்க அன்புடன்
சென்னை தொலைபேசி மாநில செயலர்
CHQ Bank account Details
Name Of Recipient :
SB A/C NO: :67100927818
Name Of Bank :State
Bank Of India Chennai
Annanagar West Extn.
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