As all of you know we had filed two cases before
Ernakulam bench of Central Administrative Tribunal.
1. To get Pension Arrears with 78.2 IDA from 01-01-2007 instead of
10-06-2013 as granted ( Arrears Case in Short )
2. To get pension re-fixed @ 50% of Last Pay drawn for all BSNL pensioners
retired prior to 01-01-2006. ( LPD Case in short.)
After many postponements again
and again , The Arrears Case
(338/18) is listed for 18-6-2019. We
hope it will be taken up for hearing.
case (346/18) was also postponed again and again and finally listed for
7-6-2019. One day before that date it was re-posted for 12-6-2019 by
notification. Again on 11-6-2019 it is once again posted to 21-6-2019 by
there was only one judge. Now both judges are available. We hope that the
Tribunal will take up the cases for hearing.
ANOMALY CASE: On 16-12-2016, CAT Principal Bench pronounced its
judgement in our favour in the anomaly case. Unfortunately, instead of respecting the court
order, DoT preferred to file appeal in High Court. The high court of Delhi gave
a very long gap to consider the case. Now, it is posted to 18, July 2019. More
than 4200 BSNL employees retired from October 2000 to July 2001 have suffered
huge loss in their pension due to the anomaly. Half of them have already left
this earth. Remaining people are 79 years old. They are waiting for the
--News From CHQ website
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