Tuesday, 18 June 2019

1.   Our case was listed as 79 in court 2 division bench. It was published in the website that the following final disposal cases (46 to 79) are adjourned due to want of time and appropriate dates will be announced by the court. Accordingly the court announced the next hearing date as 16/7/19.
Anyhow our junior lawyer tried to pre pone the date but it didn't succeed. DoT counsel was also absent today.
Circle President Com.Ramarao and ACS Com.Sundarakrishnan attended the court.


Today our case for grant of pension @ 50% of LPD for all BSNL pensioners  retired prior to 1.1.2006 was listed as Case No. 50. 
But though some  other cases were heard,  our case was far below and hence not taken up  for hearing!  

 Advocate Sri. Sreeraj intimates that he will inform us the next date. 
The other case for 78.2 arrears from 1.1.2007 is listed for 21st instant.  Cannot say what will happen on that day.
... PSR ...

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Pension Revision case in High Court of Delhi  It was listed in the supplementary under item 28, 29 & 30. The Bench rose early for lu...