Today ( 23-03-2019 ) Annual General Body meeting was conducted in RK Nagar Telephone Exchange premises. Branch President Com.P.E.Kannaiyan presided over the meeting and Branch Secretary Com.Baskaran conducted the proceedings. He proudly announced that 309 Life members are there in Mylapore Branch and it grows day by day.
One minute silence was observed to departed souls and Secretary presented annual report which was passed on unanimously. The Treasurer Com.Gowrishankar presented the audited accounts. After small correction, it was accepted by the body.
Coms. T.S Vittoban CHQ Treasurer, V.Rathna CHQ AGS, M.Kannappan Circle Treasurer, S.Krishnamurthy ACS
Renganathan, Vadivabbal Circle Office bearers , Villiwakkam Branch secretary , Annanagar Br.Secy, Kodambakkam Br.Secy , Sydapet Br.Secy attended AGB and graced the function.
All speakers were presented with hand loom towels. A beautiful leather file cover was presented to all and delicious sweet, savories and Tea were served . The AGB was conducted most systematically .
Coms. P.E Kannaian , Baskaran and A.Manoharan were elected unanimously as President, secretary and treasurer respectively. Photos clicked on the occasion are posted here.

One minute silence was observed to departed souls and Secretary presented annual report which was passed on unanimously. The Treasurer Com.Gowrishankar presented the audited accounts. After small correction, it was accepted by the body.
Coms. T.S Vittoban CHQ Treasurer, V.Rathna CHQ AGS, M.Kannappan Circle Treasurer, S.Krishnamurthy ACS
Renganathan, Vadivabbal Circle Office bearers , Villiwakkam Branch secretary , Annanagar Br.Secy, Kodambakkam Br.Secy , Sydapet Br.Secy attended AGB and graced the function.
All speakers were presented with hand loom towels. A beautiful leather file cover was presented to all and delicious sweet, savories and Tea were served . The AGB was conducted most systematically .
Coms. P.E Kannaian , Baskaran and A.Manoharan were elected unanimously as President, secretary and treasurer respectively. Photos clicked on the occasion are posted here.
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