Saturday, 5 January 2019

 A brief explanation

Fifth CPC recommended fitment benefit of 20%. After negotiation with Union leaders the Govt raised it to 40%.   But, the 6th CPC did not suggest any such fitment formula.  Instead, the 6th CPC introduced Grade Pay.  For the pay scale of 6500-10500 the Grade Pay originally suggested in 2008 was Rs 4200. In November 2009 it was raised to Rs 4600.   Again in 2013 and 2016 also when Concordance Tables were circulated the Grade Pay for the above Scale was erroneously shown as Rs. 4200.  Some people approached the Court.  CAT Bangalore, on 18th June 2018, ordered that Rs 4600 should be taken into account as Gr. Pay or the said pay scale.

Now, the order is issued honouring that judgement.  But the order talks about minimum pension only.   What about revising the pension of all those who were in the scale of 6500-10500, drawing more than the minimum?   The order gives scope for further doubts, clarifications and more cases.   Let us wait and see how the pension is going to be revised in such cases.

Note: The above is applicable only to DoT Pensioners who were getting Grade Pay.  There was no grade pay in BSNL.   
... PSR ...

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