Saturday, 24 November 2018

Bi-monthly meeting of Mylapore Branch was conducted at 1630 hours in Fourth Saturday in RA Puram Telephone Exchange. Branch President Com. P.E.Kannaiyan presided over the meeting and Secretary Com. Bhaskaran welcomed the gathering. First one minute silence was observed for the departed souls. He then introduced four new life members to the house.
Recently elected CHQ Vice President Com.G.Natarajan, Assistant General secretary Com. V.Rathna, CHQ Treasurer Com.T.S.vittoban spoke on the occasion and stressed for the unity among pensioners and urged to increase the strength to achieve the goals. ChTD Treasurer Com.M.Kannappan in his address narrated the disaster caused by the Gaja storm in the Delta areas and requested the members to donate liberally to wipe off their tears. Immediately the money has poured and many members rushed to donate their mite and a huge sum of more than six thousand + was collected . More amount for the noble cause is assured by the members. Com. Moorthy  ex president of ChTD circle president also spoke on the occasion. Fitting vote of thanks was offered by Com.Khaja. 
            Four New Life Members standing along with the Secretary

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